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Oh how Love Has Sharp Claws Part 3

I stared at him with confusion spreading across my face before I said, “You are a what? Darren gave me a Cheshire cat smile as he replied, “I am a Lemurian.” I crinkled my eyebrows as I frowned at him. With that grin plastered to his face, I could tell he was loving every minute of my confusion. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore, and had to ask, “What the hell is that?” That smile of his grew bigger into a 'I have a dirty secret that I want you to guess' smile as he replied, “Oh this is going to...


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Nudist explorations part1

I recently discovered nudism while surfing the internet I’ve always known it existed but thought that it was mostly a European beach thing but realized that there are nudist places in the USA I decided the check online to see if there were any nearby I was shocked to discover that three nude beaches were within two hours of me. The closest was about 45 minutes away and was located on state land and was said to be patrolled by park rangers. The next one about 2 hours away was on an old reservoir owned by a power company, but also...


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My First Gay Experience_(2)

Intro It was Friday night and I was sitting at home looking at porn like usual. When I decided to look at Craigslist which I usually did because I would get so turned on by all the cocks out there that needed sucking. Tonight would end up being a little different then most nights though. I ended up having a few to many drinks and posting my own add which I had never done before. I posted my add saying that I was 26 white good shape and looking for a nice big cock to suck. Now at this point in...


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