Blame the internet for me being a sissy slut

Blame the internet for me being a sissy slut

I suppose I should blame the internet. If there was ever a case of too much choice then the internet is that case. As a famous TV show once said if they took the porn off the internet there would only be one site left on the internet ‘’ After about 5 years of just typing in sex in the search bar people stumble on to certain types of sex which they get into, mine was femdom (where a female is the dominant force in the relationship) It got to a time when wherever I got a chance to go on the internet I was on it, even in public in some corner where no one can see my screen or in fact my hard on hidden underneath my lap top or when at any of my friends house. This is where my story starts.

I suppose I should start by describing my self. I am 6 ft tall and although sporty I would not be well built or anything. I am 24 with a nice job that keeps me going, am single, and live by my self with a lot of family and friends close by. My story and life is now about 1 friend in particular. Her name was Emily; she was slim 5ft 9 inches with long shiny black hair. I was always attracted to her but always thought that nothing would ever happen between us because we were such good friends plus her having a boyfriend for 5 years could never help my chances. One night Emily hosted a dinner party, not as posh as your probably thinking it was just about 12 friends invited around for finger food and drinks. After about 6 drinks everybody went home but I decided to stay as Emily and her boyfriend Steve had a couple of spare bedrooms and like a couple of times before I was asked to stay over so I accepted. Soon after Emily and Steve said they were going to bed and with the wink she gave me I knew that soon enough they would be upstairs fucking, she always found it hilarious telling me about their sex life. My room was downstairs which was a good thing because I did not fancy being awake all night listening to Emily orgasm very loudly as she told me she did on a previous nights. On my way to the room I noticed that Emily had left her laptop on the kitchen table so I picked it up and bought it to bed. Of course after about 5 minutes I was cruising the femdom sites and looking at varied vivid pictures and photos of women dominating men. I loved them all, women fucking men with strap on’s, or demanding blow-jobs on their big fake cocks. Men being made up to dress up as women being dominated in every aspect and even cuckolding sites where the men were made do ‘despicable’ acts such as sucking real cock, eating cream pies and even being raped by gangs of men all the while the women in the scenes were either joining in or laughing. After a quick wank I soon fell asleep not before quickly erasing the recent history on the lap top.
The next day I went to work normally, and had a normally boring morning until suddenly I received a text from Emily, thinking it was her daily joke she always sent me I opened it, it read ‘laptop crashed, technician in worked fixed it, virus was on it from a website accessed last night, straponsissy’ who’s a naughty little boy then’. I was shocked and embarrassed, her technician must have been looking at what could of caused the virus and been able to see what the recent history was even though I thought I had deleted it. Then my phone beeped again ‘I sent you a delivery, you might want to open it in private.

An hour later a delivery man knocked at my office door and handed me a package in a white envelope with a card attached. Once the delivery man was gone I locked my door and opened it. A pair of pink panties fell out; I could not keep my eyes off them. I ripped open the card while still holding the panties it said to put on the panties and send 4 different pictures to Emily’s phone, if I did not she would tell everyone what sites I had been looking at. I could no have anybody knowing so with making sure my door was locked I started to get undressed and 2 minutes later I was standing alone naked apart from a pair of tight pink panties. I sent the pictures as quickly as I could and then got dressed again quickly but with leaving on the panties because to tell the truth they were the biggest turn on I had ever seen in my life.

I tried to get back to work as quickly as I could all the while having the biggest hard on in my life. 2 hours later there was a knock at the door and before I could raise my self out of my chair Emily had burst through my door locking the door behind her. Her face could have told a thousand stories I could tell there would be no arguing with her, she looked like she was a woman on a mission. She quickly ordered me to strip which I did, standing before her with pink panties on and a huge boner made me shockingly embarrassed but also excited as this was part of my fantasies for ages.

‘Oh what fun we are going to have with you’ she said in a tone that would make you think she had just one the lottery. She ordered me to kneel down, as she pulled out a pair of handcuffs and what looked like a black penis gag. She quickly secured my hand behind my back and shoved me into my 11ft oak table. She told me not to turn around but I soon heard the sound of clothes hitting the floor. The next thing I knew the penis gag was being forced into my mouth the second it touched my tongue I could taste her pussy juices on it so it ran through my mind that she must have stuffed it up her pussy before stuffing it into my mouth.
She began to tell me how she had always wanted to be dominate in a relationship but never got the chance because her boyfriend Paddy was the top in their relationship. She further explained about all the stipulations he puts her through, including to always be fully shaved, to never say no to being bondaged, to always beg to be allowed to blow his thick 12 inch cock and when he wanted, to service his friends.

She told me that I would be following the same rules but to her, after today I was to be completely hairless and get waxed once a week. She would be tying me up and I was not to complain, that I would turn my self into a cock whore always begging her to drive her strap on into my hungry ass and mouth and I would be servicing anybody that she put in front of me. If my jaw was not secured with the penis gag it would have hit the floor. All my dreams were coming true, but I could also tell with the evil smile on her face as she walked in front of me for the first time since she shoved me bent me over the table. The first thing I noticed was how amazing she looked in a tight leather corset, next came the butterflies in my stomach when I seen that big black strap on dildo, she shoved everything off my desk including my laptop I heard it smashing on the floor but dared not move or make a sound. She kneeled up on the desk and removed my gag. As my spit drooled on the table she pulled me forward lifting my feet of the carpet.
Without warning she stuck her cock straight in my mouth. I LOVED it. I went to town on it as she started to slap my face. Things were going great until there was a knock at the door and I heard the handle turn. Thankfully Emily had locked the door just as I turned my head to look at the door Emily grabbed me by my two ears and started to fuck my throat, I started to gag immediately but she did not care, the knocking on the door stopped as she started to hold my nose and cause me to splutter all over the plastic member in my mouth. About 10 minutes later she plopped it out of my mouth and told me not to move and she dismounted the desk. It took her about 5 seconds to walk around but it felt like an eternity. She pulled my panties down and inspected them. There was a lot of pre cum on them, she laughed as she put them over my head making sure to be the cum stained crotch area over my mouth. Her strap on was still soaking wet from being in my mouth thank god because she was in no mood for lube.

She spread my ass cheeks and began to enter me. I was basically a virgin apart from once feeling so horny sticking toothbrushes up my rectum while jerking off. It hurt like hell but the good type of hell where I would gladly vacation. I was being sure not to open my mouth because of the stains on the panties, and soon Emily had noticed this and while only being a couple inches inside of me grabbed both of my nipples and started to pinch them hard. I could not help it my mouth was wide open now with the smell of my own cum getting up my nose. She ordered me to start licking them and I had to comply with 4 inches of her cock inside me already and her twisting the fuck out of my nipples. This made her laugh very loud and I was scared someone was going to hear her. I was trying so hard not to moan out so no one could hear my but it was very hard.
She stopped very sudden and pulled straight out I felt like my stomach had been pulled out, for a moment I felt disappointed that she was no longer inside my until I realised she only wanted me on my back. I turned over already exhausted but wanting my ass to be full again. She instructed me to spread my legs and pull them back which I did all the while with the panties still covering my face. She entered me again and with slow strokes started pounding away at my ass. She was asking me did I love it in my ass pussy I said yes as I started moaning feeling like the biggest slut ever. She started stroking my cock while banging away at me. As her dildo started to hit my prostrate she told me to cum, I would not of been able to stop even if I wanted to as my spunk started flying all up my chest as this was where she was aiming my cock. She grabbed me by hips and thrust forward and made me scream out loud and stayed there. She told me to take the panties off my face and as I did she started rubbing my cum covered chest with her fingers. I knew what was coming as she stuck her cummy fingers in my throat and repeated this process I could not believe what was happening my ass was stuffed with a cock, my nipples were red raw and I was sucking my own cum off Emily fingers. She told me not to move as she pulled out. She told me that this was only the start of her making me into a superstar slut, she said that while fucking me a lot of ideas came into her devious mind and said soon my life would involve her fucking me, her and paddy fucking me, being turned into a full sissy, she males, gangbangs, and being a party slave to everyone.
Guess you will have to look out for them adventures; my ass needs at least 1 night rest

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