—---------------------------------—---------------------------------—------------------------------ Author comment: Welp guys and gals, I’m trying a new format with this story inspired by SCP logs, I’m not very experienced with the SCP content or writing in general, but I mainly wanted to know whether you like the idea of it, any advice or comment is very appreciated! —---------------------------------—---------------------------------—------------------------------ Item: HSA-033 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: HSA-033 is to be held in a sufficiently big reinforced cell, further tests needed. Descr*ption: A creature resembling an armadillo, has a carapace with spikes that cover its entire back. It has 4 extremities, 2 arms and 2 legs, the arms finish in pinch-like hands with 3 hard keratin digits. Note: Researcher □□□□ □□□□□ states that HSA-033 resembles the character “Rammus” from a popular video game. When agitated or stressed, HSA-033 takes a sphere like form converging on itself, leaving spikes pointing all around him and starts rolling around its cell, if not satisfied, the behavior will escalate, HSA-033 will then continuously accelerate, reaching ludicrous speeds and bouncing aggressively around the cell without losing much speed in the process, HSA-033 is considered extremely dangerous under these conditions and no personnel should be allowed in until calmed down. Additional data: -Gender: Unknown -Height: 100 cm -Mass: 45 kg -Behavior: dangerous when stressed or agitated, seemingly safe otherwise, PENDING TESTS. -Sexual behavior: PENDING TESTS. -Genitals: No obvious genitals discernible from observation, PENDING TESTS. ######################################################### #######################TEST-001########################## ######################################################### Date: 22/03/□□□□ Time: 11:03 Proceeding with Test-001 on HSA-033 Protocol: Research team will interact with HSA-033 without direct personnel contact. »»»HSA-033 is in a calmed state, slowly walking around the cell. »»»HSA-033 base stress level measured to be around 46% Research: “Proceed with electrical discharges on cell” »»»HSA-033 displays clear shock and anger as a reaction, HSA-033 is in an aggressive state, furiously bumping around the cell. ᗘᗘᗘ Stress at 90% ᗛᗛᗛ Research: “Deploy 4 basketballs in the enclosure” »»»HSA-033 rapidly pierces and destroys 2 of the basketballs in an instant, then inspects another one with its pincers and easily destroys it after applying pressure, after some time, HSA-033 approaches the last ball and carefully moves it around, then displays playful behavior with the ball. ᗘᗘᗘ Stress back to base levels ᗛᗛᗛ **TEST DATA**: HSA-033 may be calmed down by deploying toys in its enclosure it is able to interact with, multiple toys may be necessary, further tests needed to establish toy preference. **Time: 11:20** Research: “Deploy 1 sex doll in the enclosure” »»»HSA-033 immediately notices the doll and approaches it, after inspecting it, then returns to continue playing with the ball. Research: “Deploy aphrodisiac gas, start playing porn over the speakers” »»»It has a clear effect on HSA-033, after momentarily looking around for the source of the scent, HSA-033 goes back to the doll to inspect it closer, standing above the doll, HSA-033 starts caressing its surface, then moving its pincers around the body in search of something, having found the crotch area, HSA-033 opens the dolls legs and inserts a pincer in its vagina, seemingly frustrated, HSA-033 moves the doll aside and, ignoring the ball, walks smelling around the enclosure. **TEST DATA**: Aphrodisiac gas and moans seem to excite HSA-033, HSA-033 displays clear interest in female anatomy but seems discouraged by lack of heat, movement or life in a sex doll. In an excited state, HSA-033 ignores playful activities. ᗘᗘᗘ Stress at 60% ᗛᗛᗛ **Time: 11:28** **NOTE**: It is decided to bring a test subject into the test, seeing as sex dolls don’t work. Research: “Bring Test Subject TS-128 into the reinforced glass room parallel to the cell” —---------------------------------- Test Subject de***********ion: Code name: TS-128 Real name: María Flores Gender: Female Height: 158 cm Mass: 52 kg Age: 24 Descr*ption: Derived to work as a sex subject the 02/03/□□□□ due to her attractive body and features, sex experience redeemed to be low, further training might be needed. Features: Of Mexican descent, brown hair, black eyes, average body complexion, D cup breasts, round firm glutes. —--------------------------------- »»»After placing TS-128 in the parallel room she roams for a while before fixating on HSA-033, this being her first experience with an HSA, she displays obvious surprise, fear and stays frozen in place, were it not for the training she has undergone the past weeks, she would have had a breakdown right there and then. »»»HSA-033 approached her slowly, after reaching 2 meters from the glass it stood still for a couple of minutes, at that point Research thought appropriate to continue the test. Research: “TS-128 proceed to remove your uniform” »»»TS-128 starts to remove her clothes, HSA-033 doesn’t seem to react at her removing her top and revealing her breasts, however, as she is removing her pants and underwear, HSA-033 notices her exposed vagina and bottom and continues to approach the glass separating them. HSA-033 is now against the glass, TS-128 a mere 3 meters away, completely naked. **TEST DATA**: HSA-033 displays attraction towards exposed vagina and bottom, doesn’t so towards breasts or face. Research: “TS-128, you are to seat at the edge of the platform next to you, facing HSA-033, place your arms at your sides and open your legs, make your vagina clearly visible to HSA-033” »»»After doing so, HSA-033 seems all the more focused. **Time: 11:35** Research: “TS-128, start masturbating as you see fit, make an effort to exaggerate your moans and to keep your vagina visible to HSA-033” »»»TS-128 looked at the camera with a perplexed look, after some moments she started to do as told, she kept the stance seat at the platform, and with her right hand started massaging her clitoris, clearly disturbed at HSA-033 or the camera, she kept looking at the empty ceiling of her room. »»»After 5 min of rapid round movements over her clitoris, she is visibly aroused, her vagina wet, she is moaning loudly, reverberating around the room and through the glass, HSA-033 listening intently while pacing around frustrated, at the union between its legs can be seen what looks like a penis emerging from some kind of slit, it can’t be more than 2 cm long. »»»TS-128 has not noticed the penis yet. **TEST DATA**: HSA-033 has a slit in the crotch region, after sufficient stimuli and arousal, something resembling a penis emerges gradually from it, significant arousal needed, MORE TESTS NEEDED, HSA-033 is now classified as MALE, gender subject to change if needed. ᗘᗘᗘ Stress at 70% ᗛᗛᗛ **NOTE**: taking advantage of HSA-033 clear arousal at TS-128, a second try with a sex doll is carried out. **Time: 11:40** Research: “TS-128, continue masturbating yourself, you are not allowed to climax until told to do so.” Research: “Deploy 1 sex doll that best resembles TS-128.” »»»As the sex doll touches the floor close to HSA-033, it instantly changes its focus and approaches the doll, HSA-033 then easily lifts the doll graving it by the legs, moves it against the glass and looks at TS-128 vigorously masturbating herself, the penis now looks to be 4 cm long. »»»HSA-033 places its body in between the doll's legs, in a sort of lifted missionary position, then, closely resembling a jackhammer, makes 20 thrust movements in 2 seconds, the penis fails to penetrate the doll’s vagina and moves in the air instead. »»»HSA-033 readjusts the doll closer to his body, after some time looking down at its crotch, resumes the thrust movements, in bursts of thrusts at a staggering speed, HSA-033 keeps hammering the doll’s crotch without finding its mark, HSA-033 makes no effort of adjusting his penis, instead relying on in pure luck to succeed in its penetration. **Time: 11:46** »»»After many tries, HSA-033’s penis seems to be now at 8 cm long, when, suddenly, one of its bursts penetrates ruthlessly into the doll, HSA-033 then continues its jackhammer moves, although it is difficult to discern due to the sheer speed of the penetrations, HSA-033 is inserting the entirety of its shaft with each thrust, relentlessly mating with the doll. »»»TS-128 seems to be struggling to continue masturbating without climax. **TEST DATA**: HSA-033 mates at staggering speeds, it makes bursts of penetration movements at a speed of around 10 thrusts per second, closely resembling a jackhammer, accuracy doesn’t seem to be a worry, relying instead on pure luck at finding its hole and penetrating its mate. **Time: 11:52** »»»Seeing as TS-128 is close to climax anyway, she is given the order. Research: “TS-128, you are allowed to have an orgasm, keep your body and vagina towards HSA-033 at every moment.” »»»There is not an ounce of shame in TS-128 anymore, she is instead filled with lust and desperate for some relief after so much edging on her end, at this moment she lowers her head back and puts all her intent at stimulating her clitoris, moving fast she reaches a point of no return, her whole body gives way, she falls with her back on the platform, still masturbating while her body convulses, after 30 seconds of continuous orgasm she has no more strength and lays immobile for a couple of minutes until she recovers a sliver of it. »»»This has pushed HSA-033’s arousal further still, accelerating its movement, ravaging the doll without much regard for its integrity, at this point, it is making considerable noise against the glass, raising TS-128’s attention. »»»TS-128 slowly lifts her head looking between her breasts, she struggles to lift the rest of her body, at this point she is able to see the head of the sex doll smashed against the glass, at a highly unnatural angle, shocked from this, TS-128 recovers some of her composure and manages to sit down again, fear and disgust are the only emotions now on display in her face, now is that we hear TS-128’s first words. TS-128: “Oh my dear lord, no no no…” »»»HSA-033 displays clear discomfort since TS-128 stopped masturbating, reducing the frequency of its thrusts, up until the moment it just drops the sex doll right there and then, producing a clear thump on the floor, this brings TS-128 to a panic attack, and she leaves running for the door. »»»HSA-033 penis looks to be 14cm long but quickly receding. TS-128: “Open the door! Please, please!” »»»TS-128 is hyperventilating and hitting the door with both arms, research makes no try at explaining the situation, there is no way, and since TS-128 stopped masturbating, HSA-033 looks to have lost most of its arousal, its penis no longer visible. »»»Security enters the glass room and retrieves TS-128, still naked. **Time: 11:56** ᗘᗘᗘ Stress at 80% ᗛᗛᗛ »»»HSA-033 goes into its agitated state and starts banging all around its cell, no amount of toys seems to calm it down, however, it doesn’t break anything, instead targeting only the walls of its enclosure, aphrodisiac only seems to make it worse. »»»Given HSA-033’s clear frustration after retrieving the given visual stimuli, it is assumed that HSA-033 is able to climax and ending a mating session without doing so, brings it immense discomfort. **TEST DATA**: HSA-033 is able to mate with a sex doll given sufficient visual stimuli, it is however, unable to reach climax, HSA-033 is extremely frustrated after an unsatisfying mating session and is unable to calm down by conventional methods. **Time: 12:24** »»»HSA-033 seems to have finally calmed down, its new base stress level is 54% »»»Test session success classified as UNCLEAR, new priority set: establish the appropriate conditions and training necessary for enabling a mating between HSA-033 and a Test Subject, HSA-033 needs to be able to reach climax during this intercourse in a safe and contained manner. **TEST CONCLUDED** ######################################################### #######################END OF TEST###################### #########################################################