Owned Family - CH3: No Turning Back

Owned Family - CH3: No Turning Back

This is a continuation of a story about a family that submits to their black neighbor. If you do not like stories about gay, interracial, incest, bestiality, or young sex, please move on. If you do like those topics, please enjoy. I do appreciate CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.

The next two days were very much alike. I worked at Ty’s house learning his investments and improving his filing system, if you could call it a system. From what I could tell he came into money left to him by a family member while he was in college. He worked at a high school across town as a football coach part time. Not because he had to but because he liked to do things with his free time.

I would spend most of the morning working with Ty directly to get a foothold on everything he wanted me to oversee as his financial advisor. We would also spend some time talking about my family. Around 11am I would suck him off while he ate lunch. He would blast his load all over my face and then leave for his coaching job. The rest the afternoon was spent organizing his files. I’d go home and spend some time with the family in the evening. After dinner Ty would call and order Laura over. She would return exhausted around midnight.

Wednesday was shaping up to be the same. I’d just finished getting a hot facial from Ty when he told me the rest of the afternoon was to get ready for his arrival tonight. He reminded me that he expected the whole family there at eight. I spent some time getting caught up on my own bills and paperwork for most of the evening. The twins didn’t care about being told to stay in, but Mel gave up some fuss until I pointed out that she didn’t have plans anyway.

The whole family was in the entertainment room watching TV when the doorbell chimed. I left the family to continue watching the mindless reality show that the twins picked out. I opened the front door and Ty walked in without my invitation. He was carrying a small duffle bag with him. As I followed him to the entertainment room Ty commented, “I should really have a key to this house.”

As our tall black neighbor entered the room Laura’s face lit up. She quickly grabbed the remote and turned off the TV ignoring the complaint from Zoey. Ty found a seat on one of the couches. I introduced Ty to the kids.

Once the pleasantries were over Ty wasted no time getting to the point of his visit, “Well kids, you’re the main reason I’m here tonight. First let me say that nothing of what I’m about to say will leave this house, got it?” He waited for each of the children to respond.

Laura piped in, “We’re serious about this. You can’t tell anybody or we will all get in trouble.” The twines exchanged glances like they had done something wrong. Mel got a smile on her face that told me she was curious.

Ty continued, “Your parents and I have entered into an agreement. First, your dad is going to work for me and he is going to be making good money again.” He paused for only an instant, “And second, I’m going to own your family.”

The twins looked confused and turned to their mom to explain. Mel laughed, “That’s a good one. Did James put you up to this? He was never very good at jokes.”

The black man smiled at Mel, “No. I am quite serious Mel. Your parents have chosen to submit to me; recognizing me as a superior being. They are my property to do with as I wish. Slaves, strip.”

I had already expected that Ty would force me to get naked in front of my family and I had accepted it awhile ago. So I quickly followed his order. I was flush with humiliation and I couldn’t look at any of my family, so I cast my gaze downward.

“See Mel, they are my slaves. You and your brother and sister will have a choice to serve me or not to. Your siblings won’t have to make that choice until they are more mature. You on the other hand will have to make that choice tonight.” Ty was very confident in his words.

“I’m not going to be your property.” Mel blurted out with a bit of anger.

“Your options are as follows: One you submit to me. Two, you go to boarding school. Or three, you refuse both and your father loses his job with me and your house is foreclosed on and you lose everything.”

“James, is that true are we going to lose the house?” Mel voice now had a distinct air of fear.

Without looking up I answered Mel, “Yes darling, without a job we have one maybe two more months before we lose the house.”

Ty pressed the advantage, “I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to Mel; you can always refuse me and be sent to boarding school.”

Mel is a smart girl; she realized that she had few choices open to her, “What do you want me to do?” She said just above a whisper.

“Before I have you do anything Mel, I want to have the whole family watch what a pathetic submissive bitch their father is.” Ty said as he dug into the duffle bag he brought. From the bag he produced a clear plastic device that remotely looked like a small penis with a large ring attached to it and a black plastic box that fit snugly in his hand.

He motioned for me to come to him, which I did. He looked at my shaved cock, commenting on it semi-erect state, “Now that won’t do. We need you flaccid.” He quickly placed the black box up to my testicles and pressed a button. My body and especially my balls felt like they were on fire. My body tensed out of my control and I landed with a thump on the carpet.

It took me a moment to start to regain control of my body. When I did, Ty motioned me to stand in front of him again. “That’s better.” He said with a smile as he attached the plastic device over my cock, locking it in place. “This is a chastity device. It will prevent this bitch from playing with his worthless cock.” He then pushed me away so he could see the rest of the family again.

“Adam, Zoey, you can run along and play. You can also stay and watch if you want to.” Ty spoke in a fatherly voice at my youngest children. I could hear both of them leave the room. Ty paused for a long while, I’m sure he was waiting for the twins to leave the room. “Mel, I want you to strip just like your parents.” Ty paused again, “You don’t have to play coy with me. Your parents told me about the video of your…extra circular activities last year.”

I could feel Mel’s stare drill into me. Then I heard the undressing of my oldest daughter. I couldn’t help but look up in curiosity. Mel’s goth clothes were piling up on the floor. She has her mother’s porcelain skin. She defiantly didn’t have her mother’s athletic body. My eldest daughter was voluptuous to say the least; most would call her a BBW. From what I saw now, she carried her weight very well; mostly in her hips and breasts. I don’t think I was ready to see that Mel was shaven clean as the day she was born.

Ty stood up and proceeded to undress himself leaving only his boxers. Mel had grown up, more than I realized. I could tell by how she stared at Ty’s boxers that she was a woman. Ty looked at me, “Bitch get me ready to take your lovely daughter.”

I moved to Ty and fell to my knees. I pulled down his boxers to hear Mel let out a small gasp. I then started kissing my Master’s beautiful manhood before taking it into my mouth. I quickly lubed up his dick as I bobbed up and down on it. I felt a fresh wave of humiliation wash over me realizing my own daughter was watching me suck another man’s dick; and a black man at that.

Soon Ty’s cock was fully erect. He pulled Mel closer to him in an embrace. My daughter’s chubby leg was pressed against me as the two of them made out. After a short time I could hear the squish of Mel’s pussy being fingered.

“You’re a nasty slut aren’t you?” Ty asked my daughter rhetorically. “You’re already dripping wet. Ok bitch that’s enough.” Master’s hand gentle pushed me away.

Ty sat on the couch, almost laying down on it with his legs spread and propped out on the floor. He directed Mel to stand over his large black dick facing away from him. “Bitch, come give me your nasty slut of a daughter. Guide my cock into her fuck hole. Get real close so you can see what kind of a slut she really is.”

I held my Master’s dick and aimed it for my daughter’s pussy and she lowered herself onto it. Her hungry cunt swallowed Ty’s dick all the while she was gasping, “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” She was unable to get all of her new Master’s manhood in her wet cunt. She pulled herself most all the way off him and tried again. It took her a dozen tried before she was able to take the full length of his dick.

The smell of her cunt juices was strong but not unpleasant. The glistening of her personal lubricant on a large black dick was an erotic sight. My cock was straining against the chastity device I now wore. The pain from my cages penis made me realize I was very turned on by watching my own flesh and blood ride a well endowed man I called Master.

I looked back to see my wife in a chair naked, her legs spread wide. She was vigorously shoving three fingers into her own wet pussy. She must have been as turned on by the sight of our daughter being violated.

Ty’s voice brought me back to the main event just inches away from me, “Bitch suck my balls while your little girl rides me.”

I went to work on his huge black orbs. I sucked and licked his balls to the best of my ability. The task was made more difficult by Mel’s plump pussy sliding down on Master’s cock and rubbing up against my face with every hump.

I think Ty quickly grew tired of my interrupted attempts to please his balls. He stopped Mel’s thrusts onto his dick, and kept her impaled sitting on his lap. “I have a better idea bitch. I want you to suck your little girl’s clit while I fuck her.”

I couldn’t believe what I had just heard. Ty wanted me to sexually please my own daughter. I had never thought Ty would make me perform such a taboo act. My head was spinning in panic. I didn’t want to do what he had ordered me to do, but I also didn’t want to displease my Master. I thought of what he might do to me as punishment for not following his orders.

I expected Mel to object as I slowly moved toward the chubby young pussy that was in front of me. I reached out and spread the fat pussy lips. I took my first lick of my own flesh and blood. She tasted wonderful, a bit sweet with just a hint of tangy aftertaste. I fell in love with my daughter in that instant and started sucking her clit like I would never get another chance to eat pussy. If Ty could make me molest my own child there was no turning back.

Mel let out a moan and grabbed my head forcing it her crotch more. She let out a moan and said something; it was difficult to make out over the sound of Ty thrusting into her sloppy hole. I think she said, “Oh, yes daddy.” That was the first time Melissa had called me daddy in years.

I flicked my tongue over her clit, occasionally slowing for long solid passing. Soon Mel whimpered softly and started trembling all over. She fell back onto Ty and continued shaking for a moment. As my daughter’s orgasm subsided, Ty slipped out from under her. He pulled her legs up with her back fully on the couch and unceremoniously shoved his throbbing member back into the fifteen year old pussy.

Mel let out a small scream from being violated so quickly after an orgasm with such a large dick. But soon she was moaning again begging him to fuck her. Then my wife’s moaning signaled that she had just cum herself. Even though I wanted to look at Laura while she was cuming, I couldn’t look away from my eldest getting plowed by our neighbor.

By how Ty was breathing I knew from the past few days of experiences that he was going to blow his load soon. In between heavy breaths Ty asked, “Hey bitch…where should…I cum?”

I wasn’t sure exactly how he wanted me to answer so I guessed, “On my face Master.”

He gave me an evil grin, “Wrong answer.” He stopped his pumping and buried his dick in Mel’s pussy and he bellowed. I knew that bellow, it was the one he makes every time he cums.

After his orgasm subsided, he looked back at me with his cock still in Mel’s well used pussy, “I suggest you get over here and suck my jizz out of your nasty slut of a daughter, unless you want her to have a black baby.” With that he pulled out of her.

I quickly moved between Mel’s legs to see her pussy closing and forcing some of her Master’s white cum out. I lapped up the spunk that was already flowing out of her before I started sucking on her pussy. I licked and sucked her used cunt, even plunging a couple fingers in her and licking them off before plunging them in again to get at more of the seed deep in her.

I wasn’t sure why I was doing this. Was it because I wanted to please my Master? Maybe I wanted to do my best to make sure Mel didn’t get pregnant? Or was it because I needed to taste my daughters slit again? Maybe a bit of all three, but deep down I knew it was mostly because I wanted to suck and lick her as much as I could before I woke up from what could only be a dream.

“You have one perverted husband, Laura. I think he likes going down on your daughter more than he does you.” Ty commented as he sat next to my wife.

Ty dug into his duffle bag again once I had finished cleaning him and Mel with my mouth. He pulled out three black leather collars and a couple of keys. He handed a collar to each of us and a key to my wife and daughter. “From now on you will be naked in this house when it isn’t necessary to be clothed. You will wear your collars at all times indoors to remind you that you belong to me. Ladies, if for some reason you want to reward the bitch or use his cock for some unknown reason those keys will open his chastity device. He is your bitch to use as you please so long as it doesn’t conflict with my desires or orders. But leave him in it at least till the weekend.”

Ty dressed and ordered my wife to come with her for the night. They left, Laura hanging off of Ty’s arm. I looked at my beautiful chubby girl; she had a deviant smile cross her face, “Daddy that looks like it’s painful.” Pointing at my imprisoned cock, “If you’re a good boy I might help you out.” She waved the key.

Mel got up and walked out of the entertainment room, her big ass swaying. I mindlessly followed, my dick making the decision for me.

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