Moving in Part1

Moving in Part1

Schools out and so are we..
My mom bought a new house much closer to work.. She's never really around she practically stays at work.. Or with her new lover that she thinks I don't know about..
settling in to new places is something we often do.. I just hope this is the last..

The car stopped in front of our new house, the trucks were just about done unloading everything inti the house when we got there, leaving me in the car my mom went to go sign them off.

Its been quite a long drive, so I stepped out of the car & stretched a little, I was busy bending over touching my toes when I noticed a figure watching me from across the street, I got up to turn around & quickly pulled down my shorts a little, they were starting to hug me too tight..

He started to cross the streets & approach me,I clipped my fringe behind my ear & tried my best to get rid of my blush, he stood in front of me extending his hand out to me "Hi, My names chad" I took his hand nervously " hey I'm havana" I smiled. "Its nice to meet you havana" holding me tighter in his grip & looking me in my eyes, for a moment I was in a Trans.. I quickly freed my hand at the site of my mom, "Havana I quickly have to go to the offi.." She stopped looking at me now. "Oh hey I'm Martha" "Nice to meet you ma'am, the names chad." The quickly shook hands.

"Well havana, everything seems to be in order, I have to go to the officeI'll bring us take away for dinner.. You two have fun" she was in the car quickly before I could protest & she drove off.. "Do you live with your mom only?" He grinned trying to change the subject.

"Uhm yea" I said., " I think she'll get along with my dad, he could use some company" Chad! We both turned around to look at the car approching us "Dads taking me to johns house & he won't be back till late, you need anything?" "No I think I'll just hang around to help havana settle in.." "Oh, okay then" he winked at me and waved as the car drove off..

I couldn't hide my blush now. They were both attractive " sorry about that" he turned to look at me "that's my little brother Nathan, Looks like were both home alone now" I smilled. My goosebumps starting to show.. "Its getting a little windy outside" he said looking at me " do you want to grab some hot chocolate at my place? We can watch a movie or something" he smiled. " Sure, just give me a moment to go change & I'll meet you there" he turned & walked away..

I rushed inside, wow it was nice seeing my moms design come to life, everything was in place & looked great, I ran upstairs & opened my suitcase I quickly brushed my hair into a bun, put some tight pants & uggs over it, I pulled on a sweater & headed for his house.. He oppened the door before I could knock, he stared at me "oh sorry, Come in" he handed me a cup of hot chocolate."Thanks, i like your place" I said " thanks" he smiled.."My mom designed it for us before she died" I was taken back a little staring into his eyes" I'm sorry" I gave him a tight hug, "its okay" he said huging me back.. "Uhm well, it was really nice of you to choose to stick around with me" "yea well I couldn't leave a beautiful girl all alone in a place she's not used to, that would be rude of me" I backed away slowly trying to hide my blush.

"So do you have a girlfriend?" "No, Not at the moment, its a really small town, there's nothing much to do than talk & listen, How bout you havana?" "Uhm no, I've never really settled down long enough in a place to get to go out & meet people" "well that's a shock" he stared at me, " you seem nice, any guy would be lucky to have you" I smiled.. "How bout that movie?" "Ohh, sorry. I'm getting carried away" I sat on the couch & we started to watch the movie..

He kept glancing at me every now & then, my hand slightly brushed him "your really cold" I tried to hide my shiver, he stood up & left.. A few moments later he retuned with a blanket & moved in closer to me, he rapped the blanket around both of us & pulled me closer to him, my heart started to beat faster, this made me uncomfortable, I think he could tell because he started to move away from me. "No, don't" I said holding him back " I like the way this feels" he looked at me..

Icould no longer pay attention now, I lay my head on his chest & his heart beat increased... I don't think we could pay attention any more, about half way through the movie, a sex scene started to play, I couldn't help but look down at him. He was now watching my face as I let out a soft gasp at his errection pointing at me through his pants. "Sorry" he said trying to cover it with his free hand, I was now staring into his eyes, I was a little turned on, I brushed his hand away "Its natural" I put my hand on his face & pulled it towards mine in a kiss..

He was a really good kisser, it felt so wrong un yet so right, I pulled away panting "sorry, I really shou.." He started to kiss me again I was now sitting on his lap with my hands rapped around him, I could feel his erect cock rubbing against my pussy..

He grabbed me around my waist & turned me over so that he was now on top of me, staring me in the eye's "I don't. Think. We. Should. Do. This" he said trying to gain his breath back.. " I agree"... " I mean I just think we should take things slow, I'd really like to know you first".. "I want this to be special" I stood up quickly trying to fix myself.. "I think I should get headed home, I could use a shower" "I'll walk you home" thanks I said.. There was a heavy storm now, there's no way I was going to walk in that "I guess you could stay till it clears" he said. "That would be nice"...

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