Robert's Story Chapter 12

Robert's Story Chapter 12

After The Dance



A loud obtrusive ringing set upon me, I reached for the phone, tangled in naked little girls.


“Good morning Robert” Marcus said brightly, “Wake up Erik’s girls and send them on to their Grandfather they have a day of preparing to do, and join me on the balcony for some coffee. We have some logistics to cover”.

I kindly nudged and kissed the little angels awake pulling them up from the bed. They gathered their gowns as I found a robe. Alicia, Tawny, Sam and Shelly rolled into my now absent warm spot and continued to snooze.

The quads rubbing their cute little faces stood in line at the door not even bothering to dress, “How delightful”, I thought as I opened the door and they stumbled down the hall ahead of me.

We entered the family room, the doors wide open to the balcony, Marcus and Erik sat chatting. The naked girls ran to their Grandfather smothering him with kisses and hugs.

“Did you enjoy your evening”, he asked, “Good morning Robert”, he added.

The girls all spouting answers to him, “We danced, and played” Anna chimed in over the top.

“Anja had sex with Robert and a little black girl as we watched”, Anka blurted.

“Did the rest of you not have sex”, Erik inquired.

They all told him stories as Anna rubbed the old man’s growing member in his trousers. Erik set Anna down from his lap and rose from the table looking towards me.

“Thank you for taking my girls last night, it sounds as if they had a very lovely time”.

“It was my honor sir. “They are all very sweet and well mannered, they truly are princesses”, I said shaking Erik’s hand

He herded them from the balcony and made his way out.

Marcus sat there smiling, “Well quite an evening huh”?

“I cannot even begin to unravel the whole night Marcus. I had no idea groups like this existed and am very glad I chose to come along with you.”

“Of course you didn’t know that this existed”, Marcus explained, “we spend a lot of time, money and effort making sure no one knows, except for exclusive families and likeminded people”.

Marcus offered me coffee and I sat listening to him tell me the history of the organization of girl lovers. They believe the real perversion is the denial of enjoying sex with any willing partners, sharing love and passion only robs the world of beauty. He continued explaining how he had found his true sexual nature here among these people. He was no longer out of place in the world.

I delicately mentioned coming in the room last night so he knew I understood what he was saying to me. We talked at great length about his desires for men and boys, of his late wife, and of running away with his girls to live a happy life away from the crime syndicate he was brought up in. He told me there was no open tolerance for men like him in the syndicate, except behind closed doors of secretive seductions.

After enjoying some light breakfast Marcus went into explain a meeting he had with a banker named Mr. Sanchez later this afternoon, he wanted me present. Marcus continued telling me everything about his affairs. His need to care for his children and how much better he felt knowing now if something occurred, he had me to look after them, as he would for Shelly and Sam.

Marcus placed his hands over mine, “this is very important Robert” he said, “The meeting will be held in a high security bunker under the hotel. Starting at 4:00 with the hotel owner, then a Mr. Sanchez, We will have some security present as will Mr. Sanchez. I will be taking possession of 80% of my wealth, he and his consortium bank has cared for. Shortly after he has left we will have another meeting, with a banker from Dubai. He will take possession of my money to be held safely hidden from any Government agencies interested in taking it”.

“Ok, this might be considered rude”, I said to Marcus,” but how much money are we talking here”?

“Not much by some standards” Marcus said, “three hundred and sixty-seven million dollars”.

I choked on my coffee, “say that again”?

“You said sixty percent of your wealth, and today we will be taking possession for a short time, three hundred and sixty-seven million dollars”!

“And some loose change”, Marcus added smiling.

“All this has been fun Marcus and I took our oaths seriously, but why me”?

Marcus explained that he had some people research me while at the motel in New Mexico. He informed me of my real name, my back ground, my military record, my dishonorable discharge due to not betraying friends in an incident under my command. He even had a personality profile of me. Continuing he also explained he knew that Shelly and Sam were not my own blood but saw that I was truly in love them and they me. My characteristics of duty and personal loyalty to friends made me a perfect business companion, that I would never betray him or his children. He had me pegged.

“Also, you make me look good”, he laughed finishing his explanation.

I could hear little feet patting down the hall, four sleepy eyed naked girls came wandering into the bright morning light. Alicia and Shelly climbed into my lap as Tawny and Sam climbed up into Marcus’s lap hugging in close to our chests. The looks on our faces noted by one another, as these girls mixed with each other, mixed with the laps they chose to sit in.

“This is everything”, Marcus smiled, “everything that makes the world a joy”.

“Good morning angels”! I said. They all wiggled and mumbled.

Zachary’s voice came from the living room, “What’s going on”?

An older woman in her late fourties was walking for the door covered only in a robe, her clothes and hand bag clutched to her chest waived sheepishly as she exited.

“Just breakfast”, Marcus answered, “Order some food for you and the girls will you hun’”?

“Shower time”, I announced, the girls moving to seats of their own as I rose.
Their beautiful bodies warming in the sun was incredible. My sore pink colored cock peeped out from my robe bouncing as I headed to my shower.

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